Goals and Mission
The Vallejo Waterfront Weekend is a festival celebrating the City of Vallejo, Historic Mare Island and Solano County. Our goal is to showcase why we choose to live, work, and play in this vibrant community.
The goal of the steering committee is to ensure that attendees (residents and visitors alike) enjoy the weekend, participate in its growth and look forward to its return each year.
In addition to providing a free, fun-filled event for the entire community, Vallejo Waterfront Weekend provides much more. The mission of the event committee is to unite the community while also providing various non-profits a venue to showcase their organizations and raise much needed funds. Net proceeds from this weekend are shared between the non-profits that participate in putting on the festival and the Vallejo Waterfront Committee. In our the last six years, we have been able to donate over $100,000 to local nonprofits.